Erekos Reader Drawing

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In the cold, cold days of winter, following Snowpocalypse II as it’s blanketed a huge swath of the country, we want to give you, our beloved readers, a little something to warm up with.

Thus, it is time for the Erekos Reader Drawing!

It’s simple. To enter, just buy a copy of Erekos – you can do it here or on Amazon if you have a Kindle, or on Barnes & Noble or any of a dozen other sites.

Then send us proof of purchase, at info AT – that proof of purchase can be a digital receipt, a photo of you next to the screen displaying the book, whatever.

Boom! You’re entered to win.

Win what, you ask?

Win the perfect things to curl up with on a cold winter’s day, when you have a good book to read – tea! And more books!

That’s right, the winner of the Erekos Reader Drawing will receive 4oz of gourmet loose-leaf tea, custom-blended to suit the book based on the author’s own tea tastes, and the setting of the novel. The “Erekos Blend” is a slightly smoky gunpowder green tea, blended with lemongrass and mint for a bold, bright taste that’s ideal for sipping while you read.

And what’s more, the winner will also receive a $10 Amazon gift voucher!

Everyone who has already purchased a copy of Erekos is eligible to enter – if you purchased through Candlemark & Gleam directly, you’re already entered to win; if you purchased through Amazon or elsewhere, you’ll need to send that proof of purchase.

Oh, and if you want more entries? Post a review!

Put a review of Erekos on Amazon, Goodreads, Shelfari, or in a Discussion on our Facebook page to earn an extra entry. Posting a review on your blog gets you an extra entry, too. Just email a link to your review, wherever you post it, to info AT and we’ll add another entry for you!

The Erekos Reader Drawing starts now, and includes everyone who’s already bought the book. The contest will run through February 28, 2011; on March 1, we’ll randomly select the winner through an arcane process involving Schroedinger’s lesser-known pet, the parrot; a box of cheese crisps; four red pens; and a small rubber ball.

So that’s all there is to it. Buy Erekos. Review Erekos. Win tea and more books! Yay!

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