We have a winner!
The gods of random chance have rolled the dice, and the winner of our Erekos ARC giveaway is Brianna Smith! We’ll be emailing you shortly to get your address, and then your shiny new advance copy of the book will be winging its way to your door!
We also have a “promote the book” winner – Patti Exster, who did more than anyone to get the word out about Erekos during our contest run.
Congratulations to both our winners!
And remember – if you didn’t win the ARC in the giveaway, you can still pre-order your copy of the paperback now. We’re closing in on the end of our pre-order period and we don’t quite have enough orders to make our goal…so every last one counts! Help us make the prettiest book we possibly can, support independent publishers and new authors, and get yourself some really amazing, exclusive, special Erekos loot in the process. How can you lose?