NaNo is here again!

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NaNoWriMo is once again upon us! And that means that for the month of November, more frenzied writing will happen than does for the rest of the year combined.

Maybe not here – Yours Truly may be doing a sort of frenetic NaNoEdMo and/or NaNo-lay-out-these-friggin-novels-Mo – but all over the world, people will be silencing their inner editors and digging in to some serious writing time.


As we went over last year, we think NaNoWriMo is a great idea for people who want to try to churn out a Draft 0, and who are willing to take the time and effort to edit later. Just freeing yourself from the demands of writing “perfect,” and giving yourself a set of strict goals, can be wonderful for your ability to get words on paper/pixels on screen.

And the cheering section doesn’t hurt, either.

Give NaNo a shot! We’ll try to check in a few times this month to see how y’all are doing, and perhaps come up with some sort of NaNoEdMo or PubMo challenge to go with the fun…