One book out, one book coming together nicely. And edits all over the place!

Pressing Matters: Week of October 22-26, 2012
- Returned another set of edits on The Dominion by Gayleen Froese. The book is almost ready to go to design, and it’s going to be glorious.
- Heading into another round on The Daughter Star and looking forward to it.
- Have two sequel submissions in hand from authors. Giddy with the idea of getting to dig into them.
- Still trying to figure out why InDesign is embedding the same font as both Ansi and Identity-H in the same document. Also trying to figure out whether this is going to pose further printing issues. Printer is not proving helpful.
- Typeset the bonus story for Mr Blank Kickstarter backers; digging into the typesetting for the bonus Field Guide pamphlet.
- The special Fnord Edition of Mr Blank is completed and making the rounds, both as a paid purchase and as a giveaway during the blog tour. Check it out…
- Karen Gadient has done an amazing design putting together a HUD for the back cover of Debris Dreams. It’s going to be glorious.
- Starting to think about covers and interior design for The Dominion. Gayleen has had some great suggestions, and I think we’ll have a very unusual, very apropos cover in the end…
Reviews and Promotions
- Publishers Weekly is apparently quite taken with the upcoming Substitution Cipher anthology.
- Justin Robinson is off and running on his Mr Blank blog tour. There have been a few amazing interviews, plus some giveaways, and there’s more to come. Don’t forget to keep checking in on the stops!
- Lava rocks. Plush chupacabras. Miniature golden apples. Tinfoil hats. Fulfilling the Mr Blank rewards may kill me yet.
- Matchbox Girls and Hickey of the Beast are both gearing up for blog tours in November. More info as it comes!
- Quarterly royalties time! This is always both good and bad. Great, because we get to give money to talented authors! Awful, because doing the books stinks when you’re trying to track precise channels for sales.
- Just returned a contract on a book we’re pretty excited about; more news on that soon, when the agent gives us the all-clear for the announcement!
- A few sample manuscripts rejected, a few more looking promising. Sisyphus’s Slush Pile never ends…
- Working on finding enough bookshelves to set up the new Corporate Lair. This is, remarkably, more of a challenge than you’d think.