Pressing Matters: Week of November 12-16, 2012
- THREE sequels presently in the Editorial Pit of Despair. Man, we need to get moving.
- Another series novel is in the editing trenches. We can’t quite talk about it yet, but it’s an exciting announcement to come…
- Still going through Round 4 of edits and proofing on Other Half of the Sky.
- Waiting on Substitution Cipher to come back from the printer.
- Generating cover ideas and comps for The Dominion.
Reviews and Promotions
- Isabel Kunkle went on tour for Hickey of the Beast from November 9-16! Did you catch her stops? There were some great guest posts and interviews.
- David Colby’s new novel, Debris Dreams, has launched! And David made some great blog stops. First, he talked with SJ at Book Snobbery about his musical inspirations, and then SJ put together a Debris Dreams playlist. And then it was Inspirations and Influences time at the Book Smugglers blog!
- Tyler Bugg, whose story “From Enigma to Paradox” is in the upcoming Substitution Cipher alt-history spy anthology, has an interview at Alternate History Weekly Update.
- Still buried up to the eyeballs in Mr Blank Kickstarter rewards. Make the chupacabras stop…
- Fingers are getting royally blistered from stickering and stamping promotional mailings for bookstores. This is why we need an intern. Or a toddler. Or a helper monkey.
- Seeing a slushpile slowdown. Is this because everyone’s busy with NaNoWriMo?
- Running into some editing problems with software again. The netbook is bogging down and having trouble connecting to the internet to upload and download files; Word on one machine is choking on the quantity of tracked changes and comments in a manuscript; I still can’t figure out how to edit accurately and efficiently on a tablet. This is getting frustrating. Any suggestions from the braintrust?