Pressing Matters: Week of November 26-30, 2012
- Elbow-deep in first-round edits on two novels. Many, many notes being made. It’s amazing how the tone of the notes is different, too – comments to one author are sometimes a little silly and snarky, while comments to the other are completely business.
- A few author check-ins later, we’ve got a full round of proofing notes for Other Half of the Sky, and we’re ready to assemble the next batch of ARCs!
- Speaking of which, the cover artwork for Other Half of the Sky is done, save for some fiddling around to bring it into technical spec for the printer. My GOODNESS, it’s beautiful. We’ll be posting it soon to show off, but first we’re waiting to see if there’s going to be a big, dramatic cover reveal on a neat book blog…
- Fonts have been chosen for the interior of Other Half of the Sky, and now we just need to update the design…
- Substitution Cipher is at the printer! Soon it will be in our hands! And then in yours, dear readers!
- We’re revising the eBook editions of Debris Dreams to account for some unfortunate display errors in the pinyin text that have come up. We’ll reissue the eBook soon, and hopefully take care of the problem for you all!
Reviews, Promotions, and Buzz
- Justin Robinson’s evil chupacabra children are going to kill me yet.
- You can congratulate him on his evil machinations in person if you’re in the San Diego area this weekend! Justin will be signing copies of Mr Blank at Mysterious Galaxy’s Eat! Read! Party! holiday event on Saturday, December 1, at 3pm.
- If you’re on the East Coast, don’t feel left out! You can meet another Candlemark & Gleam author on Sunday, December 2! Susan Jane Bigelow, author of the Extrahumans series, will be reading from her story “Ramona’s Demons,” in the trans* short-story anthology The Collection, on Sunday, December 2, at 5:30pm in Brattleboro, VT.
- Speaking of the Extrahumans series, The Spark just got a great review from I’d So Rather Be Reading. Why haven’t you picked this book up, again?
- Author M Fenn is continuing her discussion of the real history behind her alt-history spy story, “So the Taino Call It,” in the upcoming Substitution Cipher anthology. You need to check this out!
- Anne E. Johnson is offering a chance to win a SIGNED copy of her hilarious sci-fi noir, Green Light Delivery. Check it out!
- More reviews of Debris Dreams by David Colby are coming out! Bibliognome recently checked out the book, and enjoyed the “gritty space adventure,” while Kate of Mind has a fabulously in-depth review.
- Still researching whether it’s worth making the switch to a Windows environment for design and layout, while attempting to prolong the life of the C&G Mac as much as possible.
- Wow, when did we get this many bookmarks? We need to do something about this…
- More than a little nervous to see how many unedited, unrevised NaNoWriMo efforts turn up in the Submissions inbox on December 1…