We have a winner!
We have a winner! The gods of random chance have rolled the dice, and the winner of our Erekos ARC giveaway is Brianna Smith! We'll be emailing you shortly to…
We have a winner! The gods of random chance have rolled the dice, and the winner of our Erekos ARC giveaway is Brianna Smith! We'll be emailing you shortly to…
In a conversation sparked by something I posted to Twitter yesterday (we're @candlemarkgleam, by the way), @ChapterandVoice asked for my five "top tips" for authors who want to build their…
We've got a guest post up at the fabulous Stella Ex Libris book blog, all about the faery tales of my youth...and how they're perhaps not the stories you grew…
I just sent out a massive stack of ARCs for the print edition of Erekos by A.M. Tuomala at lunch today. The final book is going to be GORGEOUS, lemme…
We know you're as excited as we are about the upcoming print release of Erekos by A.M. Tuomala. September is a long, long time away, though, and so we…
Got the first proof of the Erekos ARC yesterday and it looks pretty good. There were still a few issues, though, mostly relating to the baseline grid, the gutters, and…
Candlemark & Gleam is pleased to announce that we've acquired the debut urban fantasy novel of Chrysoula Tzavelas: Matchbox Girls. Marley Claviger, grad school drop-out, is just trying to get…
I've been spending the better part of the last two weeks revising Erekos for its print release in September, and dealing with the vagaries of what font, leading, and kerning…
We recently announced that Candlemark & Gleam will be publishing Fly Into Fire, the sequel to Susan Jane Bigelow's stunning debut novel, Broken, in January 2012. We know you've been…