The Ever-Starry Works
As Candlemark & Gleam readers know, we just launched To Shape the Dark, a sibling to The Other Half of the Sky, with original SF stories focusing on women scientists.…
As Candlemark & Gleam readers know, we just launched To Shape the Dark, a sibling to The Other Half of the Sky, with original SF stories focusing on women scientists.…
Today's the launch of To Shape the Dark, an anthology of original SF stories about women scientists doing science not-as-usual, conceived, created, and edited by Athena Andreadis. To Shape the…
Today's the big day for The Other Half of the Sky!
The Book Smugglers reveal the wraparound cover to The Other Half of the Sky.
Substitution Cipher is now available!
Take a sneak peek at the lineup for The Other Half of the Sky, a powerhouse anthology of woman-focused science fiction.
Unveiling the lineup and cover for Substitution Cipher, our forthcoming alternate-history spy anthology.
We've decided to extend the deadline for our upcoming alternate-history anthology through January 31. So if you've been waffling on submitting, or frantically trying to finish up your story -…
Candlemark and Gleam is proud to announce an anthology of Alternate History: Substitution Cipher, a collection of tales of deceit, betrayal, and espionage, in worlds that could have been our…