Green Light Delivery party reminder
Don't forget - tomorrow is our party celebrating Green Light Delivery at Modern Myths in Northampton, Massachusetts! Drop by at 2pm - we'll be around the side of the building…
Don't forget - tomorrow is our party celebrating Green Light Delivery at Modern Myths in Northampton, Massachusetts! Drop by at 2pm - we'll be around the side of the building…
Constellation Games by Leonard Richardson comes out in paperback on April 17, and we're bringing you a chance to get an early, uncorrected galley copy of the paperback - only a…
Move over, Marvel - I, Crimsonstreak is on its way, and making waves! In just a few days, pre-orders have already passed our goal, and that means that we've moved…
Oh, Twitter. You enable us to have the strangest, most wonderful conversations. C&G author Susan Jane Bigelow mentioned having a Pony Army on her desk at work this morning. I…
And we have a winner in our Matchbox Girls mega prize pack giveaway! From all the folks who followed our blog tour and got so excited about the release of…
Writers' Tea Party, a lovely site devoted to all things literary - writing, editorial, art, and more - recently embarked upon a reboot, and as part of their new, really…
There are more stops on the Matchbox Girls blog tour, and more reviews and interviews going around, as well! Yesterday, AT and Jeremy had a backstage interview at Adventures…
Today is the official release day of Matchbox Girls by Chrysoula Tzavelas! You can now pick up your copy in digital or trade paperback with digital in our store! Plus,…
The Matchbox Girls tour continues today at Sugar on the Asphalt! Head on over to read a bit about the origins of Matchbox Girls and the Senyaza series, and continue…
The Matchbox Girls blog tour kicks off today, with a “Character Backstage” interview at the amazing Bibliognome blog, home of the Sentence Sneak Peek!
Don’t forget to comment at Bibliognome and then let us know so you can be entered in our Matchbox Girls Prize Pack Giveaway!
Like what you see? There’s still time to pre-order the book and get in on some exclusive extra goodies!
And tune in tomorrow for a stop at Fantasy Nibbles!