Behind the Curtain, Part 3: Decisions

Thus far in the Behind the Curtain series, we've talked about writing your manuscript, prepping your pitch, and where your pitch goes once you've mailed it out. Now it's time…

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Behind the Curtain, Part 2.5: Slush

Before we move on to the next full installment of Behind the Curtain, I thought I'd do a little prep work. You see, the next section is about acceptance and…

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Behind the Curtain, Part 2: Prepping Your Pitch

So you've written your manuscript. You've put it in a drawer for a bit, and you've gotten it back out and read it over with a fresh eye. You've rearranged,…

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Getting a revised version from an author makes me giddy. No, seriously. It's like Christmas and my birthday, all rolled into one. I'm sitting here, staring at the revised version…


What Price Digital?

What price digital? That's the big question these days, it seems. What price is a reasonable one to charge for an eBook? What are people willing to pay, and what…


Erekos: An Announcement

It's time to announce Candlemark & Gleam's first title! I've been in touch with the author for awhile now, and we've had an informal agreement for a bit, but the signed…

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