Lift-off: Finders by Melissa Scott
Full brass fanfare for legendary SFF author and forerunner Melissa Scott, whose riveting mythic space opera Finders lifts off today! Finders is the first in a projected trilogy (Firstborn, Lastborn).…
Full brass fanfare for legendary SFF author and forerunner Melissa Scott, whose riveting mythic space opera Finders lifts off today! Finders is the first in a projected trilogy (Firstborn, Lastborn).…
On December 10, 2018, Candlemark & Gleam will release Melissa Scott’s mythic space opera Finders, an extension of her stories “Finders” (in The Other Half of the Sky, 2013) and…
(click twice on the image to embiggen) Candlemark & Gleam is known for finding exciting new voices. Yet an equally integral part of our vision is to give starships to…
You may recall that back in October I announced our acquisition of Finders, an upcoming SF novel by genre legend and pioneering forerunner Melissa Scott. Two of its kernels are…
Candlemark & Gleam is known for finding exciting new voices. Yet an equally integral part of our vision is to give starships to bold experienced astrogators. One of the talents…